Training systems for men and ladies: Resistance exercise schedules and systems for men and ladies (choose the best plan for your body !)

I will show you eleven different training systems and the similarities between them. I will also explain to you these training systems briefly, and I promise you, dear reader, After reading this topic, you will be able to decide the most suitable training system for you. I also promise to respect your time.

I will explain to you the type of the training system and a summary in a few lines, then the results of the training system and its direct effect on the body, the category that the system fits into (beginners or advanced), and the most important tips to complete this system right.

There are so many training systems, so I chose for you the best and most famous training systems, and you have the ability to choose what is the suitable training plan for your fitness level, body shape, and the goal of exercise. This training system is for "Men and Women." There is no difference between the two genders.

The first training system is Multiple system:

Multiple system is the most famous and most used system because it is suitable for advanced and also beginners. In this plan, we do the exercise more than one set for the same exercise, as the saying goes, 3 in 10 or 4 in 10, which means do exercise for 3 or 4 sets, and the round or group is about (10) sets. After all (10) sets, there is a rest from (45) to (90) seconds, and the comfort may differ according to the intensity of the exercise. Exercise intensity means the weight of the weights that you lift, your strength to control it, and fitness level of the body and its ability to endurance.

The main effect of a multiple-set system

Increased muscle mass because it's from the best training systems in the breakdown of muscle cells and to reach hypertrophy.

The category that is suitable for multiple set systems is suitable for beginners and advanced

The most important tips about the sets system are:  commitment to rest periods that are suitable for your body conditions between the sets; weights that aren't light; and it's preferable to do the sets system with the heaviest possible weight.

Simple explanation for the famous sets system: this system is popular in clubs and gym . With sentence (3) in (10) this means that we will do each exercise in 3 sets and in each set there is (10) repetitions.

Example to explain the system

If the exercise is for the chest muscles, so be it bench press training with 10 kg weight, and it's possible that the repetitions will be more than 10. So this weight isn't heavy. So you should increase the weight until the repetitions are (10) or (12) at most.

The second training system : Super sets system.

This system is also so popular in the world, and it's the training system mostly used by advanced players to burn fat and dry muscles. It's the super sets system.

In its training schedule, we play with two opposite muscles; this means that we will play with any muscle (10) sets after it directly, we will play with the opposite muscle to it (10) sets, and so on.

In these training schedules, the rest periods between the sets are very few, and it may be that there are no rest periods.

to aim to make more sets through training time, and that doesn't harm the muscle's rest. When we play with the first muscle, the other muscle will be at rest, and when we play with the opposite muscle, the first muscle will be at rest, and so on.

For example 

If we train with the super sets system in biceps and triceps, we will play with biceps (10 sets), and after it directly, we will play with triceps (10 sets) without taking rest between them because you don't need that rest.

Because the muscle that you will play with will be given the needed rest, and often its rest will increase by more than 45 seconds or minutes,

But in this system, you should keep in mind

It's very important in the super sets system that the two muscles should be opposite each other, and that is very important to avoid deformation, so when you play with two opposite muscles, it may happen to you.

For example, to explain

If we assume that we will play with triceps and abdominal muscles, this is a big mistake because the training intensity on this day will differ from the other days, and here the triceps muscle may benefit very much while the biceps muscle is idle, so you should play with two opposite muscles with the same training intensity, strength, and sets, and that will protect you from deformation and get you the best result.

The effect of the superset system

The main effect of this type of system is to increase muscular endurance and muscle mass.

The suitable category: the schedule is suitable for advanced levels only and not suitable for beginners because the training intensity is very high and there are no rest periods, which will have a negative effect on beginners and might make them faint or injure them.

The most important point that we should take care of is: choosing the suitable muscle ("opposite muscles as we explained).

The third training system is Circuit training.

It's a training schedule with a circuit training system, and this system is about the fact that we will play the whole exercise without rest periods, and in it we will play with a set consisting of (6) or (5) exercises consecutively, and the muscles are far away from each other in this training.

The main goal of this system is to scatter blood in a large amount on most muscles of the body to put the biggest pressure on cardio, so you will notice heart beats increasing doubly in this system.

Heart beats rise gradually in this exercise. In the beginning of the exercise, it may be normal, but it rises gradually. Even at the end of the exercise, you will notice a big rise in heart beats. It will consume a lot of energy whenever the muscles are so far from each other, forcing the heart to double the pump rate of blood.

the category that is suitable for circuit training: This system is suitable for advanced only, and we emphasise this even though no one gets hurt from beginners. From our explanation, this system needs high-level fit bodies and fitness.

The goal of this system is to burn the biggest amount of fat, and it's possible to say that this system is the same as aerobic exercises in that it also helps to lose weight. For example, a player who finished the bulking period wants to sculpt these muscles.

The most important notes you should take care of in this system are: there are no rest periods; don't train by this system with your friend, even if you don't disable yourself; if you take rest periods, the system will change to another system (which means it will not be circuit training). Also, the targeted muscles should be far away from each other to put the biggest pressure on the heart muscle. The farther away the muscles are from each other, the stronger the dispersion of blood and its spread is than when paired with two opposite muscles.

For the best use of this system, you should train with a muscle from the upper body and a muscle from the lower body, and it's possible to increase the number of muscles that you train with if the player's fitness allows it.

The fourth training system : Drop set

It's simply a system to allow us to put a strong pump on a specific muscle. In this system, we play 10 sets with a high weight, then 10 sets with a lower weight, then 10 sets with a lower weight, and so on, until we reach the highest rate of blood pumping to the targeted place.

In this exercise, the muscular size and endurance increase, especially in the targeted muscle, but you should know a very important thing: the existing muscular size after this exercise is not muscles; it's only a very high blood flow in this muscle. If you take a little rest, you will be surprised that the size of the muscle being played decreases because of relaxation and the blood flow returns to its normal state. Don't be fooled into thinking that this system is the best building system.

The suitable category for the drop-set system This system is only suitable for advanced athletes, and in it, the sets could reach (5). This means that you will do 50 consecutive reps on the muscle, but you should gradually reduce the weight.

From the most important notes and points that you should take care of in this schedule, you should lift the weight that you can't lift for more than 10 reps. As an example, if you were playing biceps with a weight of 10 kg, you would find yourself counting 12 reps. This weight is not desirable to start with because you play with it for 12 reps, so you should lift the heaviest possible weight from the beginning of the exercise, otherwise you will be far away from the idea of drop sets.

The fifth training system is ascending system

In this system, the weight is ascending and descending. To explain, if you play bench press, you will start with the first set with 12 reps with a weight of 10 kg only, the second set with a weight of 20 kg and count 10 reps, and the third set with a higher weight and count fewer counts.

The aim of this system is to increase strength and size of the muscle, and this system in exercise is suitable for all categories, and it's good for beginners because there is gradual lifting of weights that also reduces the number of reps, but if the apprentice is a beginner, he should do that when he increases the weight of what he is lifting by a small percentage, which means if he starts the exercise with 10 kg, he should increase it to 12 kg, which is better than increasing 5 kg (you should take care that the increasing percentage is from 20% to 30% from the weight of the lifted weight from the last set).

The sixth training system is descending system :

It's completely different from the last system (the ascending system). In this system, we do the opposite, and the lifting weight gradually decreases and the number of iterations gradually increases. The direct effect of this training system is to improve muscle resistance and to improve or increase the pump rate of blood in muscles.

One of the most important notes in this training system is:

Too considerate to choose easy exercises doesn't need high balance; you have the ability to play them easily, or in other words, avoid the hard exercises if you choose this training system.

Also, you should always choose to play on machines first because it will make you more comfortable, balanced, and able to perform this exercise and its way. Leave the free weights for the last exercise, so your body will be ready for this stressful weight.

The seventh training system : is pyramid system 

 It's a training pyramid schedule that combines the last two methods.

The pyramid system: in this type of training schedule, we start the exercise with an ascending weight, then play with descending weight. This means you will lift any weight, count 10 reps, then lift a higher weight, count 10 reps, even to reach the highest possible weight, and then you start in descending again, which means to reduce the weight gradually and count 10 reps, then lighter weight, count 10 reps, and so on.

and you follow this way. If you don't care about the increase or slimming, it will be a very balanced exercise; it will give you the suitable muscular strength and the middle suitable pump, and in this system, don't wait for the fascinating results in anything from immensity or pump because, as I said, a balanced exercise will give you a development in everything, but in return, you will be slower than following a system that targeted only one thing.

So the pyramid system doesn't have a direct effect on a specific thing.

and this training schedule is suitable only for advanced because in this training system there is a lot of endurance; you will play the one exercise for almost 5 to 6 sets, and this system is not suitable for beginners.

From the important points in this system, you should reduce technique as much as possible in this schedule because you will play each exercise for about 5 or 6 or 7 sets, so you should avoid some angles in exercises.


The eighth training system : Blitz system

It's a training schedule, and in this training schedule, we train only one muscle a day to be able to play more tennis and exercise.

For example, on the first day of the week, we train only chest muscles; the next day, we train the back; the third day, shoulder; and the fourth day, foot; and so on. We put our focus on only one muscle, and the main goal of this system is to increase the strength and size of the muscle. This system is suitable for advanced bodybuilders only, and it's a very popular system among bodybuilders.

So this system is not suitable for beginners because if you want to train only one muscle, this muscle should endure all this pressure and the many different exercises.

The most important thing in this system is that you should leave the muscle to recover for a long period of time. This means that you will not come back to this muscle only after 5 or 6 days. Also, when training this muscle, the intensity of the exercise is very high.

This system is very suitable for advanced players who have strong foot muscles, and here it allows you to train your upper body in a better way. You will train your lower body once only, but the upper body will train at least for 4 days.

The ninth training system : split system 

In this system, we separate our body into two parts: the upper and lower body, the front or back part, or big and small muscles.

The main goal of this system is to divide the exercise into two days and, therefore, lose more weight.

The main effects are harmony and losing weight.

This system is suitable for advanced and beginners; the difference is in intensity. It's possible to increase exercise intensity for advanced athletes, but beginners should be careful and take it gradually.

The most important point that we should take care of is that with the progression of the level, you should change the exercises in this system to put more pressure on muscles and focus on making the muscle shape attractive.

The tenth training system: 21 reps system

In this schedule, we train the muscle for 21 continuous reps, with the first 7 reps in the first half of the motor range, another 7 reps in the second half of the motor range, and another 7 reps with the full motor range.

For example:

If you train triceps by bench press, you will lift the weight only once and continue on 7 reps, then play 7 reps. Start from the beginning of the end of the motion that you train, then do the full 7 reps from the beginning of the chest to the highest rise or the full length with the first half and the second half.

This system is only suitable for advanced athletes because it's so strong, its intensity is high, it has many repetitions, and the weight in this system is so high on the muscle. The direct effect of this system is to increase the intensity, the pump rate of blood, and muscle size.

The most important note you should take care of in this system is taking a constant position for your body before the beginning of the exercise. This can be done in biceps and chest muscles and other muscles where the body position is constant, but you should avoid this system in dangerous exercises like deadlifts and exercises where the body position is not constant because you may expose yourself to injury.

The eleventh training system : isometric contraction

In this system we count 10 reps and make the weight constant, I mean 10 reps as example if you were playing bench press, so you should lift the weight 10 reps then go back to starting point and make the weight constant and counting 10 reps without movement and in this exercise  it's hard to the players to train by themselves even to make their endurance better and there is wrong information about that exercise increase muscle size and that isn't true it doesn't increase the strength of the muscle  or it's size but the main goal of this training system is endurance and this system is popular between the players of other sports not bodybuilders only, and it requires stability as Gymnastics, this training system is only suitable for advanced.

the most important about this system:  when the weight is constant, the muscle contribution ratio will change, meaning if the shoulder in bench press exercise contributes to the lift, you will lift its percentage more when you are constant because it will make balance for the constant weight for 10 reps and so on. In the rest of the muscles, the percentage of the contribution muscles will change in exercises.
