After workout, you should do these things (post work)

The period after exercise is so important to reach your goal because it's the most important period for your body. In this period, your body builds muscle cells, but the period during exercise is called catabolism.
Now I will explain to you what we should do in the period after exercise to gain the best benefits that you want.
After exercise directly, we should help muscles return to their normal size, so we can do this by Stretching exercises and making the muscles go to the farthest point as we can for 20 seconds. If we don't have time to do Stretching exercises for all muscles, at least we should train the targeted muscles because there are muscles that are affected very much by their contractions during exercise for a long time.

For sure, if the exercises target the muscle by using the heaviest weight, this will cause the muscle to contract for a long time, which will affect its growth and the benefits of exercise.


It is enough to do one Stretching exercise for each muscle, and it's preferably for the Stretching exercise to continue for more than 30 seconds. Stretching exercises in the next photo.

After doing resistance exercises, some tears occur within the muscle fibers, and that's a great thing and means that the exercise has been successfully completed, but the most important thing is to do a full recovery of the muscle before doing any exercise for this muscle.
So we should do:

* Drink water during and after exercise.

* Massage has a great effect on making the muscle fibers recover faster. Massage after training activates the blood circulation inside the targeted muscle, so inflammatory substances that are inside the torn muscle will spread, so muscles will rest, and you will feel it after massage directly. Also, from the results of massage reduce the pain and infections of muscles and joints, and you can do massage by yourself if massage is not available. There are many electric tools that will help you, and their results are better than manual massage.
                                                                           Massage gun:                                                                                   

* Taking a shower with cold water is considered anti-inflammatory because cold water is the most powerful and natural anti-inflammatory, so if you could take a shower two times a day with cold water, that would decrease muscle pain and make muscle recovery faster.

But the most effective thing is the details of nutrition, and I will explain this point in detail because it's the most important thing in the next lines:

Firstly, what is the best time to eat meals?

The answer is after exercises, but there are also other factors, such as

The type and timing of eating after exercise has a great effect on the development of the body, and it's very important for the recovery process, especially after daily exercise that is continuous for more than an hour. So, it's very important to eat a meal after exercise, and you have to eat after 2 hours of exercise, and the best time to eat it is within 30 to 45 minutes after exercise.

Secondly, the best meal after training is:

After exercising directly:
It is preferable during the 15 minutes before the main meal to eat fast-digesting carbs as fresh, natural juice, not canned juice. You can also eat fruits such as bananas (whole fruit).
It will help to give the body the lost ATP and glycogen during exercise; bananas also contain potassium and some other elements that will help in muscle recovery.

When you return home:

It is preferable to eat a meal full of nutrients; this means that the meal should contain protein and some carbohydrates, and it should contain vegetables or a salad that contains vegetables to gain vitamins. If vegetables are unavailable, you can eat fruits.
As for the quantities or size of the meal, that is up to you and your goal, as the meals should be suitable for the number of calories are suitable for your goal. If your goal is to gain weight, for sure, you will need more quantities than if you want to lose weight.

Thirdly, examples of ingredients and sources for the meal
Proteins such as (fish, egg whites, red meat, chicken breast, and so on)
Carbohydrates such as (Oats, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and boiled rice)
vegetables such as (Zucchini, peas, and vegetable salad)
There are many rumors about eating carbohydrates after exercise, and others say that eating protein is better than carbohydrates because carbohydrates excrete insulin. This information is true, but protein also excretes insulin.

                                                   "Nutrition is a long-term style."

But the best way to eat any nutrients is:
that the nutrients should be available in the body during the day, not only for one hour. Temporary changes in hormones have a very small effect.
